A leaf fell on my cheek, i felt the world’s warm kiss. Telling me to seek the unknown, find my own bliss. Something is waiting for me, calling to be heard. A mystery waiting to be known, but I stay unstirred.
Uncertainty is terrifying, and if paired with Ignorance. Hugged by comfortability, curiosity left in a trance. Do I stay in my zone or create a big ripple outside? Dive into the new or choose the comfort and hide?
It’s a big world filled with bigger ideas and dreams, It’s overflowing of fear, fun, and even the extremes. It is scary, but so is staying static in only one place It is scary, but so is having nothing for me to chase.
So I collect the falling leaves, along with my resolve. Turning a new page in my story, help me to evolve. If it takes one small step for a man to venture space, then it’ll take a shaky leap for me to step into place.