One thing I would tell you about, two of my ears is that they listen. Morning, noon and night. Three times a day, they listen.
They listen to your non-stop chatter about the four pups you had seen on your way home, and how that the pretty bracelet that caught your eye should not have been more than five pesos, honestly.
I listened when you said it took you six trips to fill all of the water canisters in your house so when I called and you did not pick up I was patient, but seven times my call was forwarded to voicemail.
I tried to reach you one last time but all of a sudden I found you on the eight o’clock news, lifeless a freak accident they said.
Nine people in a car crash but away from earth only you gone. There’s nine lives for a cat, God should have given you more.
Ton steps from the cliff’s edge I stand, wondering what life would be like if I can’t hear you anymore.
I’m speechless, words and letters are getting lost in my head. I started this poem with numbers… but now I’m numb.